Hairstyling While Black


I own a hair salon. A few years ago, we ran a Groupon special for our newest stylists. As these new clients began to come into the salon, we noticed very quickly that they were different from our regular clients. Not only were they shocked and sometimes visibly uncomfortable to be in a diverse space, some would even comment. Some of the more memorable comments are:

“I've never seen a place like this.”

“Let me put my jacket under my daughter’s so it doesn’t get stolen.”
“Oh you’re the Black one.”

There was one individual who gave their stylist a particularly difficult time. After leaving she called to complain about the quality of her services, called our licensing into question, and then tried to figure out which stylist I was. She finally blurted out, “Oh the Black one!” Needless to say, she hasn’t been back.


Justice While Black


Educating While Black